access has been granted to the website so that certain individuals can now begin uploading sermons. The login and password have been emailed
to your accounts. If you don’t have an account, ask Derek at To do an upload, do the following:
Grabbing the Sermon
Take the MicroSD card (black thing – The device in the screenshot has been replaced with a Verbatim USB reader) from the audio recorder as well as the MicroSD to USB (Blue thing) as per in screenshot. Insert into computer and find appropriate .MP3 File
You’ll be able to locate the .MP3 something like in the screenshot once the device is inserted. Note a lot of the .MP3’s have incorrect “date modified” timestamps, so you’ll have to listen to the sermon and guess which date it was actually recorded on
Uploading the Sermon
1) Go to
2) Click “Admin Login” at the bottom of the page
3) Enter in credentials and login
4) Click “Sermons” > “All Sermons” on the left hand side
5) Click “Add New” button
6) Enter in Sermon Title and Description, as best as you can
6.5) The sermons are ordered on the webpage by the date they are “published”. On the right hand side -> “Publish” -> “Edit” -> Align the date to when the sermon was actually done
7) On right hand side, check “Sermon Topics” to whatever you find is
appropriate. This is especially important for people who surf online and
are looking for specific keywords in sermons.
8) On right hand side, check “Sermon Speakers” to whoever is the correct
speaker. Select “Rouge Valley Church” if unsure
9) Click “Choose Audio”/”Choose Video” -> Jing if using video then copy
and paste youtube link here
10) Click “Select Files” -> Upload the sermon file as needed (NOTE: 50 MEG
FILE CAP –> You will need to cut down the audio quality if the sermon is
too big)
11) Select Tab “Media Library” on top left, picking the sermon you just
uploaded and click “Select”
12) Click “Publish” on the top right
so yes, we are no longer using sermon cloud and directly uploading sermons
to the website (or youtube, if its a video file).
Ryan/John – if the .mp3 file is too big, I use this program to lower the
Bitrate to 50 kbps. The software is completely free and I had no trouble
doing it. Simply Open it > Add Files > Set rate to “50” > click
“process”. It’s pretty straight forward here but it cuts the file size by
about half. This also makes it a guaranteed upload, but also that people
who view the website using mobile phone don’t have to download gigantic
files and eat up all their data plan.