The Alliance Canada is committed to creating and ensuring safe environments for worship, witness, and work free from sexual misconduct and will not tolerate sexual misconduct in any form including sexual harassment, sexual abuse, and child abuse by its licensed workers, (non-licensed) employees, contract workers, or volunteers in service to or with The Alliance Canada, its churches, congregations, districts, institutions, agencies, organizations, or other bodies that operate under its name.
For more information about this and to submit a report please visit:
Furthermore, a Whistleblower Policy (the “Policy”) was put in place and is intended to encourage and enable employees and others to raise serious concerns internally so that The Alliance Canada can address and correct inappropriate conduct and actions. The Policy provides assurance that such a concern made in good faith may be submitted in confidence, without fear of reprisal, victimization, recrimination, disadvantage, or subsequent discrimination.
For more information about this and to submit a report please visit: